Sourcing Hackathon 1 – 06

You want to find someone who follows both “Hirin’Geeks” and “Mobile Startups” Facebook groups and who is really into sourcing. Let’s say, you would like to “casually” bump into him tonight.

Where will he probably be?

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Try running a search query in Intelligent Search extension: people > group member “hiring geeks” AND group name “mobile startups”. The first result in the search output is Sergey Dmitrichenko (CEO of AmazingHiring). Use or to see what events the person is planning to attend. To find the numeric profile ID, just open the person’s profile photo and copy the sequence of numbers in the link before “&type”. You won’t see the Picasso event, because Dmitry is no longer planning to attend it, but you will definitely see some up-to-date events.

Correct answer: Picasso

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